SC2Mapster Wiki

Behaviors: Conjoined[ | ]

(Editor Screenshot)

Description[ | ]

This behavior is used to link two units together. Unit's the the same conjoined behavior will share the same stats.

Hint[ | ]

The Braxis Alpha Doodad uses the conjoined behavior to have a shared health pool among all doodads of the type on the map. Useful for making large piles of varying destructables, but with a single health pool.

Example Usage[ | ]

Summons Linking[ | ]

Have an invulnerable hero with an ability to spawn summons that do damage. Give both the summons and the hero the same conjoined behavior. Thus, the Hero is always invulnerable, but in order to deal damage, he must use his summons, but with summons he can be hurt. Based on absolute values. If you have 2 units, one with 100 life and one with 1000, the latter will only have 100 out of 1000 of its HP.

Fields Description[ | ]

Behavior: Alignment[ | ]

Is the behavior Positive, Negative, or Neutral? Automatically colors the behavior icon depending on this selection. Negative = red, Positive = Green, Neutral = normal color

Behavior: Conjoined Flags[ | ]

Share Life: Do units with this behavior share a linked health pool? Share Energy: Do units with this behavior share a linked energy pool? Share Shields: Do units with this behavior share linked shields? Share Visible: Do units share visibility?

Radius[ | ]

How far the units can be for the conjoined behavior to apply.

Related[ | ]

Link1 Link2
