SC2Mapster Wiki

UI Editor[ | ]

TerrainLayer UnitsLayerDoodadsLayer PointsLayer RegionsLayer CamerasLayer PathsLayer Ui-editoricon-general terrainUi-editoricon-general triggersDataModuleUi-editoricon-general textUi-editoricon-general importUi-editoricon-general aiUi-editoricon-general uiCutSceneEditorUi-editoricon-general overviewmanagerTestDocument

About[ | ]

The UI Editor allows users to directly alter the user interface of a map in StarCraft 2, either by creating new UI elements, or modifying the existing elements.

UI Manager Example

Using the UI Editor[ | ]

The UI Editor is used in order to create custom layouts.

In order to use the editor you must first create a new layout,

After Creating a new layout you need to create a frame for that layout.

After creating a frame you then add properties for customization, including dimensions, visibility, children frames, animations, shortcuts, etc.

More Information[ | ]
