SC2Mapster Wiki

Create Specific Dialog Item Actions[ | ]

Create Dialog Item (Achievement)[ | ]

  • AaAction. Creates an achievement dialog item, using parameters to set up the essential properties for the achievement.

Create Dialog Item (Button)[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a button dialog item, using parameters to set up the essential properties for the button.

Create Dialog Item (Check Box)[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a check box dialog item, using parameters to set up the essential properties for the check box.

Create Dialog Item (Image)[ | ]

  • Action. Creates an image dialog item, using parameters to set up the essential properties for the image. The tiled property will only work if the image type is border.

Create Dialog Item (Label)[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a label dialog item, using parameters to set up the essential properties for the label. If text writeout is set to true, the text that appears within the label will animate as if being written out a single character at a time. Text writeout duration will only work if text writeout is set to true.

Dialog Item Size And Position[ | ]

Dialog Item Anchor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the anchor for the specified dialog item in relationship to its parent dialog. Requires a Player parameter as different players may have dialogs set up differently.

Dialog Item Height[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the height of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Offset X[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the horizontal offset of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Offset Y[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the vertical offset of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Relative Anchor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the relative anchor for the specified dialog item. Relative anchor for dialog items is only used by the Move Dialog Item (Relative) action.

Relative Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog item that the specified dialog item is anchored relative to.

Dialog Item Width[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the width of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Is Full Dialog[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified dialog item is ignoring any size and position set, and instead is using the full size and position of the parent dialog.

Set Dialog Item Size to Parent[ | ]

  • Action. When set to true, the dialog item will ignore any other set size and position and instead always take up the full size and position of its parent. The parent can be either a dialog or a dialog item of type Panel.

Move Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Moves the specified dialog item to the specified anchor of its parent dialog, with the specified offsets.

Attach Dialog Item To Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Moves the specified dialog item to the specified anchor, relative to the anchor of another dialog item, with the specified offsets.

Set Dialog Item Size[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the width and height of a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Rotation[ | ]

  • Action. Rotates a dialog item.

Dialog Item Tools[ | ]

Destroy Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Destroys the specified dialog item.

Destroy All Dialog Items[ | ]

  • Action. Destroys all dialog items within the specified dialog.

Fade Dialog Item Transparency[ | ]

  • Action. Changes the transparency of a dialog item over time.

Dialog Containing Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog containing the specified dialog item.

Dialog Item Type[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the type of the specified dialog item.

Dialog Item Invoke As String[ | ]

  • Action. Calls a method invoke on a loaded flash dialog item. The flash dialog item must have a flash file loaded which has the specified method name in it. The parameters for the invoked method are optional.

Dialog Item Invoke As Text[ | ]

  • Action. Calls a method invoke on a loaded flash dialog item. The flash dialog item must have a flash file loaded which has the specified method name in it. The parameters for the invoked method are optional.

Dialog Item Color[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the color of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Image[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the image of an image dialog item.

Dialog Item Image Type[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the image type setting for an image dialog item.

Dialog Item Style[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the string value of a dialog item's font style.

Dialog Item Tooltip[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the tooltip text of a dialog item.

Set Dialog Background[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the background image of a dialog.

Set Dialog Item Achievement[ | ]

  • Action. Sets an achievement for the specified dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Blend Mode[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the blend mode for a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Click On Down[ | ]

  • Action. Set a Trigger Dialog Item to execute its click behavior on mouse down instead of mouse up. While mouse up is the default behavior and used for most buttons in the game, mouse down can be preferred for controls that need a more responsive feel.

Set Dialog Item Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the color of a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Flash[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a flash animation file to play for the specified dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Image[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the image to display on a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Hover Image[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the hover image to display on a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Image Type[ | ]

  • Action. Sets how an image is applied to a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Tiled[ | ]

  • Action. This is for images that are using the border image type. If tiled is set to true, the sides of the image will be repeated to fill the desired height/width. Otherwise they will be stretched.

Set Dialog Item Render Priority[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the render priority for the specified dialog item, which controls the z order that dialog items are rendered. The default render priority is 512. Setting a render priority lower than this means this dialog item should render below other dialog items within the same dialog. Setting a render priority higher than this means the dialog item should render above other dialog items within the same dialog.

Set Dialog Item Style[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the font style for the text of a dialog item using a string value. Font styles can be found in FontStyles.SC2Style.

Set Dialog Item Text Writeout[ | ]

  • Action. If set to true, the text that appears within the dialog item will animate as if being written out a single character at a time.

Set Dialog Item Text Writeout Duration[ | ]

  • Action. This controls the time it takes for the text to animate if "Set Dialog Item Text Writeout" is set to true.

Set Dialog Item Tooltip[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the text that appears when mousing over a dialog item.

Dialog Item Values[ | ]

Add List Item[ | ]

  • Action. Adds a list item to a dialog item with a list, such as a pulldown or a list box.

Count Of List Items[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the count of list items in the dialog item. Only works with dialog items that have lists, such as pulldowns or list boxes.

Selected List Item[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the index of the selected list item for the specified dialog item. Only works with dialog items that have lists, such as pulldowns or list boxes.

Remove All List Items[ | ]

  • Action. Removes all of the list items from the specified dialog item.

Remove List Item[ | ]

  • Action. Removes the list item at the specified index from the specified dialog item for the specified player.

Select List Item[ | ]

  • Action. Selects the specified list index for the specified dialog.

Dialog Item Edit Value[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the string edit value for a dialog item.

Dialog Item Is Checked[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the dialog item is checked.

Dialog Item Maximum Value[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the maximum value of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Minimum Value[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the minimum value of a dialog item.

Dialog Item Current Value[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the current value that is set for a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Checked[ | ]

  • Action. Checks or unchecks a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Current Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the current value for a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Edit Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the string edit value for a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Maximum Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the maximum value for a dialog item.

Set Dialog Item Minimum Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the minimum value for a dialog item.

Dialog Item Boolean Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Dialog Item Color Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Dialog Item Control Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Dialog Item Real Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Dialog Item Integer Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Dialog Item String Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Dialog Item Text Value[ | ]

  • Function.

Set Dialog Item Boolean Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Set Dialog Item Color Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Set Dialog Item Control Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Set Dialog Item Real Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Set Dialog Item Integer Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Set Dialog Item String Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Set Dialog Item Text Value[ | ]

  • Action.

Dialog Items[ | ]

Create Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a dialog item, of the specified type, for the specified dialog. A new dialog item will always be anchored to the top left of its parent dialog, with no offset. It can be moved and resized using the "Move Dialog Item" and "Set Dialog Item Size" actions.

Create Dialog Item From Template[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a dialog item, of the specified type, using the specified template for the specified dialog. Dialog item templates are preset, and cannot be user defined. A new dialog item will always be anchored to the top left of its parent dialog, with no offset. It can be moved and resized using the "Move Dialog Item" and "Set Dialog Item Size" actions.

Create Dialog Item In Panel[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a dialog item of the specified type within the specified dialog item panel.

Create Dialog Item In Panel From Template[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a dialog item of the specified type using the specified template within the specified dialog item panel.

Hookup Dialog Item In Panel[ | ]

  • Action. Hooks up an already existing dialog item of the specified type in the specified dialog item panel.

Hookup Standard Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action.Hooks up an already existing dialog item in the default UI of the specified type. This allows dynamic modification of any frame within the Built-In UI. Frames that were created from locked Descs cannot be hooked up.

Hookup Unit Status Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action.Hooks up an already existing dialog item of the specified type in the status bar of the specified unit with the specified name.

Dialog Item Is Enabled[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the dialog item is enabled for the specified player.

Dialog Item Is Visible[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the dialog item is visible for the specified player.

Last Created Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last created dialog item.

Enable/Disable Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Enable or disable a dialog item. A disabled dialog item is greyed out, and cannot be used.

Show/Hide Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the specified dialog item.

Dialog Item Text[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the text of the dialog item for the specified player.

Used Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog item that was used.

Dialog Item Event Type[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the event type of the dialog item that was used.

Set Dialog Item Text[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the text that appears within the dialog item.

Dialog Size And Position[ | ]

Dialog Anchor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the anchor for a dialog.

Dialog Height[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the height of a dialog.

Dialog Offset X[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the horizontal offset of a dialog.

Dialog Offset Y[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the vertical offset of a dialog.

Dialog Relative Anchor[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the relative anchor for the specified dialog. Relative anchor for dialogs is only used by the"Move Dialog (Relative)" action.

Relative Dialog[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog that the specified dialog is anchored relative to.

Dialog Width[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the width of a dialog.

Dialog Is Fullscreen[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified dialog is set to always be sized to the entire screen.

Set Dialog Fullscreen[ | ]

  • Action. Setting a dialog fullscreen will make it ignore any other set position and size and always take up the full screen.

Move Dialog[ | ]

  • Action. Moves a dialog to the specified anchor, with the specified offsets.

Attach Dialog To Dialog[ | ]

  • Action. Moves a dialog to the specified anchor, relative to the anchor of another dialog, with the specified offsets.

Set Dialog Size[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the width and height of a dialog.

Dialog Tools[ | ]

Clear Subtitle Position Override[ | ]

  • Action. Using this function will cause the subtitle panel to return to its default size and position.

Destroy Dialog[ | ]

  • Action. Destroys the specified dialog, and all the dialog items within.

Destroy All Dialogs[ | ]

  • Action. Destroys all dialogs.

Dialog Channel[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the render-to-texture channel the specified dialog is using.

Dialog Background Image[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the background image of the specified dialog.

Dialog Transparency[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the transparency level of the specified dialog.

Dialog Background Image Is Visible[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified dialog's background image is visible.

Dialog Is Offscreen[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified dialog is flagged as being offscreen.

Set Dialog RTT Channel[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the render-to-texture channel for the specified dialog.

Show/Hide Dialog Background[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides a dialog's background. Dialog items will remain visible.

Set Dialog Offscreen[ | ]

  • Action. An offscren dialog is not rendered normally and is instead used in conjuction with the render-to-texture feature.

Set Subtitle Position Override[ | ]

  • Action. Using this function will cause the subtitle panel to use the bounds of the specified dialog instead of its default size and position.

Set Dialog Transparency[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the transparency of the specified dialog.

Dialog Is Modal[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the specified dialog is modal.


Create Dialog[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a dialog box of specified width, height, position on the screen with offsets

Dialog Title[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the title text of the dialog.

Dialog Is Visible[ | ]

  • Function. Returns true if the dialog is visible.

Last Created Dialog[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last created dialog.

Set Dialog Title[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the text that is used for the title of the dialog.

Show/Hide Dialog[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the specified dialog. A dialog needs to be shown in order to be seen.

Screen Button[ | ]

Display Screen Button[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a screen button, with an identifier chosen by the ScreenButtonID parameter, at the specified anchor, with the specified size and offset. The Callback parameter determines what trigger is run when this button is used.

Flash Screen Button[ | ]

  • Action. Causes a screen button to change between two colors at the specified interval.

Show/Hide Screen Button[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides a screen button, chosen through the ScreenButtonID parameter. A hidden screen button cannot be seen or used.

Screen Button[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog item that is the specified screen button.

Screen Button Dialog[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog the specified screen button belongs to.

Set Screen Button Border Image[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the border image for a screen button.

Set Screen Button Flashing Border Image[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the border image for a screen button for when it is flashing.

Stop Flashing Screen Button[ | ]

  • Action. Causes a screen button to stop flashing.

Screen Image[ | ]

Display Screen Image[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a screen image, with an identifier chosen by the ScreenImageID parameter, at the specified anchor, with the specified size and offset.

Show/Hide Screen Image[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides a screen image. Use "Display Screen Image" to create screen images.

Pulse Screen Image[ | ]

  • Action. Causes a screen image to change between two transperency values at the specified interval.

Screen Image Dialog[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog the specified screen button image to. Use "Display Screen Image" to create screen images.

Screen Image Dialog Item[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the dialog item that is the specified screen image. Use "Display Screen Image" to create screen images.

Stop Pulsing Screen Image[ | ]

  • Action. Causes a screen image to stop pulsing.