SC2Mapster Wiki

Format[ | ]

Turn Leaderboard Minimize Button On/Off[ | ]

  • Action. Turns the minimize button on/off for player group.

Set Leaderboard Minimize Button Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the minimize button color on a leaderboard.

Minimize Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Minimizes the leaderboard.

Show/Hide Leaderboard Minimize Button[ | ]

  • Action. Hides the minimize button on a leaderboard for a player group.

Set Leaderboard Group For Row[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a row to be part of the specified group.

Set Leaderboard Columns[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the number of columns in a leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Column Width[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the width of a leaderboard column.

Set Leaderboard Groups[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the number of groups in a leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Rows[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the number of rows in a leaderboard.

Enable/Disable Leaderboard State[ | ]

  • Action. Enable/Disable a state for the specified leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Sort Column[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the leaderboard sorting column and sorting order.

==Leaderboard Items

Set Leaderboard Item Alignment[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the alignment of text in a location on a leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Item Background Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the background color of text on a leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Item Font Size[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the font size of text in a location on a leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Item Icon[ | ]

  • Action. Sets an icon for a leaderboard item.

Set Leaderboard Item Sort Order[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the leaderboard item sort order to the order specified.

Set Leaderboard Item Text[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the text of a leaderboard item.

Set Leaderboard Item Text Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the item text color on a leaderboard to the specified color.

Leaderboards[ | ]

Create Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Creates a leaderboard with a specified amount of rows and columns. Use "Last Created Leaderboard" to get the leaderboard created by this action.

Destroy Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Destroys a leaderboard, removing it from the game.

Last Created Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last leaderboard created via a "Create Leaderboard" action.

Reset Leaderboard Position[ | ]

  • Action. Moves the leaderboard to the default position along the right edge of the screen.

Set Leaderboard Name[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the name of a leaderboard.

Move Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Moves the leaderboard to the specified screen position. The X coordinate corresponds to the right side of the leaderboard.

Show/Hide All Leaderboards[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides all leaderboards for a player group.

Show/Hide Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides a leaderboard for a player group.

Player Columns[ | ]

Add Player To Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Adds a new row to the specified leaderboard, and associates the specified player with that row. Use "Set Leaderboard Player Column" to set the column where player names will appear.

Remove Player From Leaderboard[ | ]

  • Action. Removes a player from a leaderboard.

Set Leaderboard Player Column[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the column that player names will appear in for the specified leaderboard. Use "Add Player To Leaderboard" to add players to the leaderboard.

Progress Bars[ | ]

Set Leaderboard Item Progress Color[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the color for a progress bar within a leaderboard item. If colors are set for multiple step values, the color will vary as the progress value increases, dividing each step equally across the full progress range.

Set Leaderboard Item Progress Range[ | ]

  • Action. Adjusts the range of values for a progress bar within a leaderboard item. The minimum value corresponds to an empty progress bar, and the maximum value corresponds to a full progress bar. The default range is 0 to 100.

Show/Hide Leaderboard Item Progress Bar[ | ]

  • Action. Shows or hides the display of a progress bar within a leaderboard item. Use the "Set Leaderboard Item Progress Value" action to adjust the progress bar's displayed progress.

Set Leaderboard Item Progress Value[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the current value of a progress bar within a leaderboard item. Use the "Set Leaderboard Item Progress Range" action to set the item's range.