SC2Mapster Wiki

Scenes[ | ]

Play Sound Scene[ | ]

  • Action. Plays a sound for the specified players, and plays the specified animation on the specified units. The animation on the units will be sync'd up with the sound.

Play Sound Scene File[ | ]

  • Action. Plays a sound with the specified scene file for the specified player group. Scene files can be set up using the Previewer module.

Sound Channels[ | ]

Set All Sound Channel Volumes[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the volume for all sound channels for the specified player group.

Mute/Unmute Sound Channel[ | ]

  • Action. Mutes or unmutes a sound channel for the specified player group.

Pause Sound Channel[ | ]

  • Action. Pauses all sounds in a sound channel for the specified player group.

Set Sound Channel Volume[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a specified sound channel to a volume for the specified player group.

Stop Sound Channel[ | ]

  • Action. Stops all sounds in a sound channel for the specified players.

Sound Properties[ | ]

Mark Sound For Duration Preload[ | ]

  • Action. The duration for the given sound will be preloaded during the loading screen. Any sounds that are explicitly referenced in triggers will automatically be preloaded. The Info parameter must specify a direct sound value, not a variable or function call. Sound lengths marked for duration preload are network-sync'd, allowing them to be safely used for multiplayer.

Query Sound Duration[ | ]

  • Action. Send a network query for the duration of a sound. This will allow the sound duration to be accessed even if the sound duration has not been preloaded. Use "Wait For Sound Durations" to ensure that all results are received before attempting to access the duration value.

Wait For Sound Durations[ | ]

  • Action. Waits until all queries sent with "Query Sound Duration" have been received for all players.

Sound Duration[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the duration of the sound.

Sound Link[ | ]

  • Function. Returns a Sound Link for a given sound ID and asset index. Sound Links are used to refer to specific sounds. Sound links are comprised of a sound ID (to identify the sound data entry) and an asset index (to identify the asset within that data entry).

Sound Asset Index[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the sound asset index for a Sound Link. Sound Links are used to refer to specific sounds. Sound links are comprised of a sound ID (to identify the sound data entry) and an asset index (to identify the asset within that data entry).

Sound ID[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the sound ID for a given Sound Link. Sound Links are used to refer to specific sounds. Sound links are comprised of a sound ID (to identify the sound data entry) and an asset index (to identify the asset within that data entry).

Sound Subtitle Text[ | ]

  • Function. Returns Subtitle text for the given Sound Link.

Sound Settings[ | ]

Set Sound Factors[ | ]

  • Action. Sets sound factors for distance, doppler, and rolloff.

Set Sound Reverb[ | ]

  • Action. Sets sound reverb.

Sounds[ | ]

Last Played Sound[ | ]

  • Function. Returns the last sound played via a "Play Sound" action.

Play Sound[ | ]

  • Action. Plays a sound for the specified player group. Use the "Last Played Sound" function to refer to this sound.

Play Sound At Point[ | ]

  • Action. Plays a sound at a point for the specified player group. Use the "Last Played Sound" function to refer to this sound.

Play Sound On Unit[ | ]

  • Action. Plays a sound at a unit for the specified player group. Use the "Last Played Sound" function to refer to this sound.

Skip To Sound Offset[ | ]

  • Action. Skip to a specific time within a sound.

Move Sound[ | ]

  • Action. Moves a sound to the specified location.

Set Sound Volume[ | ]

  • Action. Sets sound volume.

Stop Sound[ | ]

  • Action. Stops a sound.

Stop All Model Sounds[ | ]

  • Action. Stops all model sounds.

Stop All Trigger Sounds[ | ]

  • Action. Stops all sounds explicitly played through triggers.

Wait For Sound[ | ]

  • Action. Waits for a sound is a certain amount of seconds from the offset type.

Soundtracks[ | ]

Set Default Soundtrack[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the default soundtrack. The default soundtrack will play when there are no other soundtracks being played.

Pause Soundtrack[ | ]

  • Action. Pauses a soundtrack for the specified player group.

Play Soundtrack[ | ]

  • Action. Plays a soundtrack for the specified player group. If the Make Default parameter is set to Do, then the default soundtrack will be set to this soundtrack. If this soundtrack is not continuous, it will repeat from the beginning when it ends, after the delay time.

Enable/Disable Soundtrack Continuous[ | ]

  • Action. Sets a soundtrack to play once or play continuously.

Set Soundtrack Delay[ | ]

  • Action. Sets the amount of time between when one soundtrack finishes and another one begins.

Enable/Disable Soundtrack Shuffle[ | ]

  • Action. Enables or disables cue and/or index shuffling for a soundtrack. Index shuffling corresponds to the asset array in the sound data. Cue shuffling corresponds to the array of sounds in each soundtrack data.

Stop Soundtrack[ | ]

  • Action. Stops a soundtrack for the specified player group.

Wait For Soundtrack[ | ]

  • Action. Waits for soundtrack playback to end.