SC2Mapster Wiki

String[ | ]

  • String represents textual data.
// String literal
string website = "sc2galaxy";
// String concatenation
string url = "http://www." + website + ".com/";
string sc2 = "sc2";
sc2 += "galaxy"; // "sc2galaxy"
// String equality is case senstive
bool eq = (website == url); // false
eq = ("sc2galaxy" == "sc2" + "galaxy"); // true
eq = ("SC2GALAXY" == "sc2galaxy"); // false
eq = StringEqual("SC2GALAXY", "sc2galaxy", false); // true
  • Note: Operators <, <=, > and >= always return true.
"a" < "A" // true
"A" < "a" // true
  • Note: Individual character access is not available through []
string sc2 = "sc2galaxy";
char c = sc2[1];
// Implicit cast not allowed
string c = sc2[1];
// Implicit cast not allowed
  • Note: There is no way to get character access or string length. Only string equality (case sensitive or not) and split into separate words are available.

Related Functions[ | ]

Manipulating Strings[ | ]

  • StringEqual
  • StringWord

Converting Strings[ | ]
