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UI Editor

TerrainLayer UnitsLayerDoodadsLayer PointsLayer RegionsLayer CamerasLayer PathsLayer Ui-editoricon-general terrainUi-editoricon-general triggersDataModuleUi-editoricon-general textUi-editoricon-general importUi-editoricon-general aiUi-editoricon-general uiCutSceneEditorUi-editoricon-general overviewmanagerTestDocument


The UI Editor allows users to directly alter the user interface of a map in StarCraft 2, either by creating new UI elements, or modifying the existing elements.

UI Manager Example

Using the UI Editor

The UI Editor is used in order to create custom layouts.

In order to use the editor you must first create a new layout,

After Creating a new layout you need to create a frame for that layout.

After creating a frame you then add properties for customization, including dimensions, visibility, children frames, animations, shortcuts, etc.

More Information
